Board Meeting Monday, October 12, 2015 Board Attendance: Tom Feely, Jaime Diedrich, Barbara Cartmill, Al Bossen, Ken Markert and Mike Bezner. Missing: Laurel Butman and Kathleen Rastetter. Both had prior engagements. Staff Attendance: Sarah Holcombe, Tamara Moxon and Kristine Wallace. Tom called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Thanks […]
CDF News
We are a not-for profit organization, chartered under IRS code 501(c) 3. We are a stand-alone organization with tax-exempt status. All contributions to CDF, either cash or in-kind, are tax deductible although you should always check with your tax adviser. We are also registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the […]
Clackamas Dogs Foundation Board Meeting Thursday, August 13, 2015 Minutes Started at 12:00 Noon Board Attendance: Tom, Jamie, Barbara, Al, Kathleen, Ken, Mike Missing: Laurel and Gail Staff Attendance: Sarah, Tamara and Kristine. Update Radios have been purchased for shelter staff. Field radios are still being worked on. Three new […]
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Gail Mohrlang on Friday, August 14th. Gail was a highly respected and liked member of our board and she will be missed beyond belief. Gail was also a highly respected volunteer at Clackamas County Dog Services and will be missed […]
With every issue, The Portland Outside donates 2% of ad sales to a local nonprofit chosen by an advertiser. For their winter issue, the great folks at Bushwhacker Cider chose Clackamas County Dog Services. Find out more about Bushwhacker and CCDS in our winter issue! This is a great example of a creative […]
CDF is happy to announce a new fundraising partnership with Gravelly Pet Project, with CDF receiving 20% of all purchases from friends and supporters. GPP is a special program of Gravelly Art LLC, a nationally distributed illustrated gift and greeting card company based in Portland, with lots of fun and […]
You can help Clackamas Dogs Foundation earn donations just by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card! Fred Meyer donates $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Here’s how the program works: • Sign up […]